I approached being edited with some trepidation since I have never experienced professional editing. Having formerly taught college English 101 and having rewritten and self-edited this novel with three drafts over four years, I foolishly assumed that my Fiverr editor and proofreading pro wouldn’t have much to do. I was not looking for developmental or line edits. I just wanted my manuscript to put its best foot forward. At first, I was a bit ashamed that she made over 2,150 edits to my 71,000 words. (This was after I used several software grammar checkers for over a year.) Now I realize how foolish it would have been to publish a novel without a final edit by an experienced professional. Current grammar and spelling software is OK to prep for professional editing. But don’t make the mistake of substituting it for expert human intelligence.

My second shock was that there were still issues to be found. So I read the third draft straight through for the first time. It was like reading somebody else’s book. I had been dictating into my phone on a non-linear, half-pantsing, half-outlined basis for several years. Events had been reorganized. Sub-plots had been dropped. What it became was different than how it started. This is all to be expected. But I can’t help but wonder what it would be if I had not thrown so much material away.

The third wave of realization came after I started producing an audiobook version on Google Play — listening to the auto narration read it aloud. To be sure, minor issues are still to be found. But mainly, my writer’s relationship has morphed into a publisher’s relationship. Now, publishing is all-consuming, but in a very different way. Launch is just a few weeks off.

(first published on 15 June 23)

Categories: Self-Publishing

Sidney Hoover

Sidney Dutton Hoover was born before the dawn of the atomic age, recovered from polio, taught social dancing and college English, cooked in diners, fixed up and built houses, and provided several decades of probation services for Seattle Municipal Court. He was awarded a Master of Arts in English Literature by the University of Washington in 1968. He enjoys vicarious grand-parenting, walks over 10,000 steps a day, and releases original rock songs as Unmires.

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dyoctrmy · July 6, 2023 at 11:56 pm

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