News, Quotes, Testimonials, and Questions?


At Camp Corinth, Hasti and Chik made no arrangement to get together again. But when Hasti wrote in her report summarizing Phase One of Sanguine Eclipse, “I’m not exactly his type,” she only half believed it herself. Anyway, it was beside the point: she had a job to do.

(Egos Eclipsed, page 10)


“Like this. I am the boss. I make tough decisions. I do the nitty-gritty of the talking. If I tell you not to say something, you don’t say it. Otherwise, get your memory tuned up. We’re going to be helping Uncle Sam keep everybody else safe.”

“You make it sound like I’m just going to be a puppet,” Chik objected.

Hasti huffed a sarcastic laugh and asked, “Do you think all these high-dollar people make such a fuss over a puppet? If that were all you were, they would just cut your strings. Problem solved! Remember this well: I do not work with losers.”

(Egos Eclipsed, page 52)


Slint’s knack for smelling faint traces of blood in the water earned him the nickname “Dogfish.” Whose blood it was didn’t matter—assuming it was not his own. Some questions were used to throw bloody bait on the surface of an otherwise calm political pond. Slint banked heavily on conflict, controversy, suspicion, and outright hatred being reliable political motivators. With his beaky nose and hungry face, he looked the part.

(Egos Eclipsed, page 69)


“If we stop seeing everything through the prisms of ideology and psychology, we will have more success at influencing the social contract for the better.

“If only the alternative parties could put together a joint platform plank on dealing with gun violence—something to implement quickly and get results. Nobody would be able to believe it! The middle needs to unite and push out against both extremes.”

Nine times out of ten putting something up the flagpole results in tatters, silence, or both. While Melanie’s ideas were not necessarily bad, they were tricky to implement. She wanted to try her best to save democracy.

(Egos Eclipsed, page 74)


Egos Eclipsed is on track for ebook, paperback, and hardback publication on July 4, 2023. Available for pre-order now.

(posted June 30, 2023)


Chik was pissed but also a little relieved. His life was spinning out of control, with no days off since finding Hasti at the Go Club. He was profoundly and unrelentingly tired. He wanted to sleep as much as possible and then sleep some more. There was no point in thinking about all the things that might be happening. For a while, he considered possible parallels from the Go game world, none of which would hold up, because in Go there is no option of doing nothing. Maybe doing nothing was his best option right now. Maybe this will work out for the best, he thought, if I keep my cool.

(Egos Eclipsed, page 128)


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